April 2023
みなさん、こんにちは。くんよつです。今回は、 iPad用のトラックパッド付キーボードをご紹介します。iPad用キーボードといえば、Smart Keyboard FolioとMagic Keyboard。僕は両方とも持っておりまして、もちろんそれぞれメリットデメリットはあります。個人的にはMagic Keyboardの方が断然使いやすいと思っているんですけど、大きなデメリットが2つあります。重い価格...
A great alternative to the second generation Apple Pencil with a four times lower priceAs is well known, Apple makes fantastic devices, but it charges them a lot. In some cases, fortunately, there are...
, 360 . . GOOJODOQ 12.9 . , . . , , . . 2 . . , . , 2 . , 2 . . : https://s.click.aliexpress.com...
. + , . . 11 3 128GB 110 40~50 . , , . . , . 1/3 . . 11 45, 12 51 . , . 66.2US $ 49% ...
Review unit provided by GoojodoqThe Apple Magic Keyboard for the iPad Pro is outrageously overpriced at USD 299 and USD 349 for the 11 and 12.9-inch models. Those keyboard cases are overpriced no matt...
Review: Goojodoq 65-key Wireless Mechanical KeyboardSubmitted by Teoh Yi Chie Review unit provided by GoojodoqThis is the Goojodoq 65-key wireless mechanical keyboard that supports Bluetooth, 2.4Ghz a...